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Hi, I'm Timothy Bond, Author

I just discovered Booklikes, and will start to poke around and see what the site is all about.


In the meantime, I wanted to introduce myself.


My name is Tim, and I'm a newly published author.  I've been working on this book series for about 20 years, and finally decided I was at the point in my life where I needed to get serious about publishing it.


The first book went to the presses in November, and was very well received. I was well into Book 2 by that time, and it was published in February.  Book 3 - which is a prequel of sorts, and much shorter than the first two - will be out in April, and Book 4 is on track for summer of 2015.


The series name is The Triadine Saga.

The books are, in order:


The Watcher's Keep

The Dragon Rises

Prophecy's Queen

A Kingdom Fallen


The story is an Epic Fantasy, set in a world once devastated by a world war that nearly destroyed the planet. After nearly a thousand years of rebuilding, the world is once again on a path toward disaster, as the lessons of the past were not learned well enough by the survivors.


It's a classic good vs evil quest and adventure, with Elves, Dwarves, Wizards, Dragons, Griffins, a number of different human factions and some really fun, new characters who add a twist to this lovable fantasy.


I intend to grow my following organically, mostly by word of mouth and the occasional advertisement. I enjoy the storytelling much more than the marketing,  so you will never see heavy-handed selling from me.


I'll blog about my books, the writing process, and I'll review some new books that I read along the way. I'm not going back to my old book collection to add books to me READ shelf or review, I'll only review those things on my current reading list - though truth be told that is a relative small list now that I'm writing in all my spare time.


Thanks for reading this far, and I hope you enjoy my books.  I've posted a giveaway here as an introduction, so 100 of you will get a free copy of The Watcher's Keep eBook, and I hope some of you will take the time to leave a review as well.


Happy reading!

